Thursday, June 7, 2012

Treatment week one finished

Today is my final treatment for this week. I am actually lying here connected to the IV and receiving insulin, which creates a very odd taste in the mouth that someone said reminded them of band aids (I agree.) After chemo and vitamins on Monday, I had vitamins and detox on Tuesday. This takes place in the injection room, a large room with a circle of recliners filled with folks hooked up to IVs. There is much talk about treatment, symptoms, etc. It's an interesting group, all of whom have their own horror stories. With few exceptions, people come here after having exhausted traditional treatment. Many were told they were terminal. I seem to be less beat up than many, being fairly early along in the disease and treatment process. While getting our vitamin infusions, we take turns with the ionic foot bath (in which impurities are ostensibly drawn out through the pores of the feet into water, which turns a nasty brown color. Mine was particularly nasty, not only brown, but full of greasy-looking floating sludgy stuff. Interesting! We also get a special foot massage, and can use the sauna and a vibrating machine that is supposed to aid in lymph drainage. I haven't gotten either of these two yet and will do that tomorrow. Wednesday was similar, but I got my first injection of vitamin c. The dosage is low, and will go up next week and the next until I am at 75 grams. When treatment ended, I felt sort of lousy, queasy and tired. I went home to get sun and a nap. But, when I tried to sleep, I suddenly felt a rush of restless energy and got up. On wednesday, we also got a look at my blood test results. Worst news is that my platelet count dropped into the 50s. This is likely due to the two chemo treatments I got back east. I am right to feel the treatment would kill me. Let's hope it goes back up as I respond to all the treatment out here. My wonderful friend Jacqueline arrived last evening and we had a great dinner out, including a really delicious, if sinful, Margarita. After treatment, she and I will drive to Sedona! Can't wait.


  1. Hi, there
    You already sound more relaxed. Best of luck.

  2. That foot thing is so cool!! brown sludge? whatever that was, i'm glad its out of you! This sounds good.
    Love you!

    your daughter
