Saturday, May 26, 2012

Chemo again...

A brief update. I am in day 4 of chemo and the steroids wear off. Feeling it. I am scheduled to have a catheter inserted into my left lung that will drain for up to a month. This seems wise to take pressure off my system. Other than this, I am putting into motion an alternative treatment option that appears to offer more hope and less suffering. More on that as it emerges, but I am feeling good about it, as are the members of my most immediate team (or they are pretending to, which will do!) I have decided against pursuing a clinical trial of any kind (not that it's been suggested yet.). I don't want to be that much of a guinea pig (we are all part of a big experiment here, anyway.) Anyway, Butters is where he needs to be (my lap), I'm in almost no pain and nausea is at bay. I can write, read, watch movies and move around the house a bit. Not bad. Hard to believe this is helping me heal in any meaningful or lasting way. That's why I'm willing to try something new. Onward! Have a great holiday if I don't write again before then.